Nature-based Climate Solutions
into the global climate crisis response.
Nusanterra’s purpose is to bring together the necessary partners and processes to deliver certified high-quality conservation projects for carbon-conscious investors seeking bankable solutions. The Nusanterra team combines diverse backgrounds from economics, consultancy, climate policy and conservation to support organisations reach their conservation targets through Nature-based Climate Solutions (NCS).
NCS involving the protection and restoration of natural ecosystems such as forests, peatlands and mangroves, have the potential to provide 1/3 of the emission reduction targets by 2030. NCS are both cost-effective and provide significant additional benefits by supporting biodiversity and generating income for rural communities.
Who we are
Khairun Nisa Zabidi
Co-Founder & CEORichard Bennett
Co-FounderDr. Agkillah Maniam
DirectorShaqib Shahril
Junior ConsultantWho we are
Khairun Nisa Zabidi
Co-FounderRichard Bennett
Co-FounderDr. Afiq Rahmat
Co-FounderShaqib Shahril
Junior ConsultantDr. Agkillah Maniam
FORESTS LeadDr. Tom Smith
PEATLANDS LeadDr. Reuben Clements
The Voluntary Carbon Market has gained significant attention in recent years as individuals, corporations, and governments seek to offset their carbon emissions. The market is expected to grow to $10-40 billion in value by 2030, transacting 0.5-1.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, compared with 500 million tonnes currently. Nusanterra projects aim to provide significant additional benefits by supporting biodiversity and generating income for rural communities in the Malay Archipelago.
And while the country’s top conservationists and policymakers continue to strive towards protecting our remaining standing forests, Nusanterra also believes that enabling the participation of nature investors and private landowners - particularly from the commodities and farming industries - can be a powerful, albeit unexpected catalyst, in our collective mission to achieve climate drawdown.