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Nature Positive Advisory

Malaysia alone can generate over a million metric tonnes of carbon through reforestation on existing landholdings. This demonstrates a significant opportunity for landowners to revitalise unproductive land and diversify incomes.

Nusanterra provides feasibility assessments, strategy design and technical support to private landowners wishing to develop high-quality credits for the growing Voluntary Carbon Market. 


Nusanterra provides feasibility assessments, strategy design and technical support to private landowners wishing to develop high-quality credits for the growing Voluntary Carbon Market.

Restore Nature & Sell Credits

ESG & Sustainability Teams

Nusanterra provides Net-zero strategy design and technical support to corporates wishing to buy high-quality credits from the growing Voluntary Carbon Market.

Measure, Reduce & Offset Carbon

Landowner Services

NATURAL CAPITAL ASSESSMENT Understand your revenue potential from existing and potential carbon stocks

CARBON PROJECT DESIGN            Maximise your environmental sustainability impact and leave an impactful legacy behind

PROJECT MANAGEMENT          Simplify your life and leave project and stakeholder management to Nusanterra


Policy Makers

Forests are the currency of the future. As the demand for carbon drawdown grows, Malaysia is poised to emerge as a key player. Harnessing our deep expertise in conservation and finance, we empower policymakers to navigate the journey towards a sustainable Malaysia.

From crafting clear and responsible policies that attract long-term nature investors, to connecting conservation projects with diverse funding opportunities – we act as your trusted advisor.

Policy Makers

Integrate our B2B SaaS seamlessly into your existing systems and workflows, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing productivity.

Project Developers

Simplify complex processes and automate repetitive tasks with our intuitive B2B SaaS solution, freeing up valuable time for your employees to focus on high-value activities.


Tailor our B2B SaaS to fit your unique business requirements by leveraging our customizable features and modules, providing a personalized experience.


Feasability Studies

Evaluate your natural capital with an analysis of your lands’ carbon revenue potential subject to changes in management practices such as conserving existing forests or planting new trees. Our team will contact you to discuss your new income opportunities from high-conservation value (HCV) carbon sinks on your land. 


Carbon Project Design

Whether you’re seeking to get paid for reforestation or inset your own emissions, we can advise on how to design interventions for generating carbon credits. We have experience using Verra, Gold Standard and Plan Vivo standards to provide a source of results-based finance for climate mitigation projects. 


Project Management

As a homegrown project developer, we are well-placed to identify, engage and manage the multitude of stakeholders that will be involved in reforestation projects in Malaysia. We are part of an extensive network of carbon standard organisations, verification bodies, smallholder farmers, and local implementation partners.

Corporate Services

Climate action plans that decrease emissions across your business and supply chain

Software with automated reports meeting all the latest international standards

High-quality carbon credits that impact Climate, Community & Biodiversity

Carbon Footprint Assessment

Nusanterra provides Net-zero strategy design and technical support to corporates wishing to buy high-quality credits from the growing Voluntary Carbon Market. We simulate future scenarios and guide clients in designing climate action plans involving emissions reduction and carbon offsets to achieve their net-zero target. 

We support corporate sustainability teams with data-driven ESG & Sustainability reporting solutions aligned to GRI Standards to highlight progress with key stakeholders.

Nusanterra provides advisory and capacity-building services that help companies collect and assess carbon emissions with flexible visualizations and insights. 

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Net Zero Strategy

If you have a net zero target, you’ll need a plan to meet it. Guided by science, we simulate future scenarios and can help you design a climate action strategy prioritising reducing your own emissions first before considering carbon offsets. 


Sustainability Reporting

Tracking and reporting your progress will be critical in your decarbonisation journey. We can help you collect and assess your carbon emissions with ESG data-driven Sustainability reporting solutions aligned to global reporting standards. 


Carbon Offsets

Residual Emissions will need to be offset in order to achieve Net-Zero targets, especially in hard-to-abate sectors. Nusanterra’s principles can help you choose the right projects for credible Net-Zero-aligned offsetting in line with your values.

Emissions Reduction Solutions