
Week 23: Conservation Finance News

Written by Insights Team | 6/3/24 1:30 AM

3 million hectares of Malaysian forests at risk due to monoculture concessions

Malaysia faces the risk of losing 16% of its remaining forest cover to timber and palm oil plantations, as shown in the 2024 State of Malaysian Rainforests report by RimbaWatch. Meanwhile, Minister Nik Nazmi mentioned, NRES will probe the report and reaffirms commitment to maintain 50% forest cover. Rimbawatch calls for an immediate halt to forest conversions for timber plantations and introduces the Forest Tracker tool to monitor deforestation in Malaysia, focusing on indigenous territories and known concessions. Click here to learn more.


MFF Launches Forest Conservation Certificate

The Malaysia Forest Fund (MFF) introduced the Forest Conservation Certificate (FCC) to raise private sector funds for forest conservation, fulfil ESG reporting requirements, and offer a 10% income tax deduction. The FCC supports tailored conservation activities on public and private lands, complementing the Ecological Fiscal Transfer (EFT) for biodiversity preservation. The Ministry of Finance allocated funds for forest carbon projects, enhancing conservation efforts. MFF collaborates with organizations on FCC projects. Click here to learn more.


EU Commission proposes adding ecosystems' economic value to GDP

EU Commission study highlights the importance of integrating Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in economic assessments to enhance decision-making and natural capital management. Preliminary simulations show significant impacts on economic evaluations, with collaboration between JRC and Wageningen Economic Research leading to a GEP module in the MAGNET model for improved accuracy.To learn more, you can click here.


Indigenous land rights challenge Sarawak forest carbon projects

Indigenous communities in Sarawak are concerned about carbon projects by local timber companies, fearing unequal benefits and restricted access. Lack of transparency and confusion persist, with locals pressured to sign documents without full project understanding. Challenges remain in explaining carbon trading, raising questions about project benefits. Calls for fair revenue sharing and higher carbon tax rates aim for equitable distribution of proceeds. To learn more, you can click here.


Beijing launched Kunming Biodiversity Fund

China launches the Kunming Biodiversity Fund with 1.5 billion yuan to support global conservation efforts, aiming to reverse biodiversity loss and establish a world-class national park system by 2035. Minister Huang Runqiu urges developed countries to contribute to conservation efforts. Previously, The Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF) had approved over $70 million for 18 new projects, as stated in the previous week. Click here to learn more.


Asian forests shows excellent resilient despite climate change and human activities

Since 1850, rising global temperatures, exacerbated by human activities emitting greenhouse gases, have posed challenges to Asian forests' stability and ecological functions. A recent study found that 20% of Asian forests experienced disturbances between 2000 and 2022, with 95% showing strong resilience and recovering within decades. The research highlights the importance of monitoring and managing forest ecosystems to understand their response to external pressures. To learn more, click here.


Coastal mangroves and coral reefs could face collapse from climate change

Climate refugees flee after floods in Brazil, urging conservationists in Rio de Janeiro to plant mangroves for storm defense. Mangroves in Florida, Colombia, and Malaysia serve as crucial coastal barriers, nurturing marine life, preventing $65 billion in annual property damages, and storing carbon for climate mitigation. Threats from deforestation, pollution, and climate change endanger mangroves and coral reefs, emphasizing their importance in disaster risk reduction, carbon storage, and supporting coastal communities. To know more, you can click here.


CBD implementation body fails to reach a consensus on crucial decisions for COP16

The 4th Subsidiary Bodies of Implementation (SBI4) meeting for UNCBD ended without finalizing COP16 recommendations on biodiversity. Discussions at SBI4 focused on resource mobilization, capacity-building, and monitoring Biodiversity Plan targets for 2030 and 2050, with ongoing funding challenges. Parties selected 18 organizations for international cooperation, and progress on National Biodiversity Strategies will be reviewed at SBI 5 before COP16. To learn more, click here.


The updated version of the Sustainable Finance Handbook

The updated Sustainable Finance Handbook covers ESG scores, capital costs, ESG mutual funds, SRI private equity, green real estate, active ownership, climate labels, and carbon offsets. It also explores climate change regulations and net zero investing, keeping readers informed on sustainable finance trends.  To know more, you can click here.


SBTN partners with independent reviewers for nature-related goals

SBTN's Global Commons Accountability Accelerator validates corporate targets for nature and biodiversity, aligning with the Science Based Targets initiative to address climate change. Independent validation partners ensure credibility, with plans to expand target validation. The Accelerator focuses on accountability and scientific standards, assisting companies in setting nature-based targets and publishing case studies. Click here to learn more.